God’s Vindication: Your Enemies have NOT won! Haman goes DOWN! It’s ONLY Temporary!

The Lord is addressing some of your frustrations, some may believe your enemies got away with the things they’ve done to you. Some have even asked, “God how could you let them do these things unpunished? We must realized God is not blind. He saw everything, the betrayals, the lies. He saw when they said in their hearts, “Where is your God?” He saw when they laughed at your pain, when they judged your process instead of encouraging you. Again, we do not serve a blind God but He desires repentance, meaning He’s giving your enemies time and space to repent. We must understand God wants no man to perish but to come to repentance and God is humbling (some) even now! Remember God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son, this includes your enemies.

The Lord wants to address the lies of the enemy because at times, when we see our enemies promoted, we tend to look at God like what’s going on. The enemy will have you thinking or even believing obeying God doesn’t payoff.” If they’re doing all this evil and prospering than what’s the point of me doing the right thing. Many of you are going through because you obeyed God, there’s a standard over your life and you cannot do what others do. But God is rewarding you now and has entrusted you with great things.

Several years ago, I cried out to the Lord saying, “Why are You letting my enemies win? And the replied, “Even, Haman was promoted temporary.” Haman was promoted BUT his promotion didn’t even matter because God ordained a young lady name Esther to show up on the scene, to win the king’s heart and save His People. Haman’s long lasting great promotion as prince was only temporary and even very short lived. The makes mention your enemies will be cut off meaning their success will not last, so only for a season your enemies will look like their winning. On the contrary, what God is giving you is long lasting, legacy and eternal. The wicked will not have what you have which is true prosperity and peace. Some of your enemies make a lot of money but no peace. Question: If their success is only temporary why focus on it? At times, we focus on the wrong things. Instead focus on what God is doing and said over your life, His plans and desires for your life.

We must let it go. The Lord says, “Let it go! Trust Me to vindicate you, trust Me to avenge you because vengeance is mine.” Please give Him the abuse, the betrayals, the disappointments because He wants you to receive, even embrace the Divine connections He’s bringing into your life. Everyone is not out to hurt you. Release those who left you, who didn’t support you. We must understand everyone is not called to be in our birthing room. I remember when my sister gave birth to my nephew, the room door said, “Authorized Personnel Only”.

The Lord has been testing our response and how well we love. Years ago, the Lord said to me, “If I can trust your response, I will always show you the snake; and if I can trust you with your enemies, I can trust you with anything. With that being said, “Pass the test.” Trust Him to vindicate you and pray for your enemies because usually when your enemies are promoted there’s a great fall. The Bible states, “God prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies.” We like to hear He prepares a table BUT we hate how He prepares the table. At times, it’s prepared by lies, persecutions, slander and misunderstandings. Let God prepare the table, forgive and trust Him to vindicate you.

Ephesians 6:12; Psalm 37:1-6; The Book of Esther

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Stephanie Esthers offers personalized coaching sessions, expertly providing prophetic insight and unconventional yet practical wisdom to unlock your true potential. 

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